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Lesbian, Bisexual Women and Ovarian Cancer

Did you know that Lesbian and Bisexual women are at greater risk for developing ovarian cancer than the general population of women?

Here’s why:

  • Lesbian women likely do not take contraception (i.e., birth control pills) and may be less likely to bear children. Use of birth control and having children lower the risk of developing ovarian cancer.
  • Obesity is another leading risk factor for ovarian cancer. Maintaining healthy body weight is important for all women.
  • Lack of health insurance and additional barriers can influence lesbians to ignore routine health check-ups because there is less need for contraception and, according to studies, lesbians visit their gynecologist less frequently.

Check out these links for more information: 

Trans Men and Non-Binary People

As ovarian cancer research continues to develop and expand every day, our knowledge about this cancer also grows. Unfortunately, there isn't alot of information about if OC can impact trans men and non-binary people differently than it does cis women.  

However, COCA is here for everyone and will continue to support all people who are affected by OC to the best of our abilities.

Remember, there is great importance in finding a Gynecologic Oncologist that is right for you as well as utilizing all of our wellness programs and other resources that we offer.

Along with reading the COCA Resource Guide, click this link for LGBTQIA+ specific resources. 

We are here for you.